UCR Fees Reduced for 2019 and 2020

Registration for 2019 is now open. On December 28, the new fees for 2019 UCR were published on the Federal Register. To view, click here.  For the 2019 registration year, fees will be reduced 18.62% below the 2017 registration fee level. The reduction of the current 2019 registration year fees ranges from $11.00 to $10,282 per entity, depending on the number of vehicles owned or operated. In 2020, fees will be reduced approximately 9.9%. The reduction in fees for 2020 and subsequent registration years ranges from $5 to $3,899 per entity.

The UCR Board recommends an enforcement date of April 1, 2019 for the 2019 registration period.

Registration for 2019 UCR fees at www.ucr.gov.

Who is Subject to UCR?

All motor carriers (for-hire, private and exempt) as well as brokers, freight forwarders and leasing companies operating in interstate and international commerce are subject to the UCR Agreement. Carriers based in Canada and Mexico that operate in United States are also subject to the UCR Agreement.

Who is Not Subject to UCR?

A state that has adopted the UCR Program for intrastate carriers (those that do not handle interstate/international freight or make interstate/international movements)