CTA Member Jerry Miranda (Reeve Trucking) Recognized For His Efforts

Jerry Miranda an employee with longtime CTA member Reeve Trucking was recently presented with the CTA Industry Champion Award. Over the past couple of years, Mr. Miranda has been making CTA aware of many cities that were overcharging the heavy haul industry to obtain an extra legal transportation permit. California law only allows local municipalities to charge $16.00 for a single trip permit and $90.00 for an annual permit to move extra-legal loads through their jurisdiction. One of the cities Jerry made CTA aware of was charging $360 for a single trip permit. To date, CTA has had 15 cities revert their fees back to the state mandated fee. Without Mr. Miranda informing CTA, cities would still be illegally charging heavy haul truckers for transportation permits and because of his efforts incoming CTA President Joe Giammona (JSG Trucking), CTA Senior Vice President of Government Affairs Eric Sauer, CTA Vice President of Membership and Business Development Dana Brooks and CTA’s Director of Membership and Unit Engagement Silla Flores recently traveled to Reeve Trucking and Presented Jerry Miranda with the CTA Industry Champion Award. Thank you Jerry for your help!