Many members were first time attendees at last week's California Trucking Day including young professional members that particpate in CTA's NextGen Program as well as owner-operators from CTA member companies. A special thank you to Yandell Truckaway and GSC Logistics for bringing their owner-operators to this event. The hot topic of discussion during the office visits was AB 5, the bill that will put owner-operators out of business, so their stories and experiences made a lasting impression on the legislators and their staff. Members and owner-operators visited 46 legislative offices and interacted with 32 legislators/staff at the evening reception. All attendees received positive feedback from their visits and enjoyed interacting with legislators/staff in small groups. This year's event was a great success and we look forward to seeing you at next year!
Attendees pose for a group photo on the Capitol West Steps
Assemblymember Patrick O'Donnell (left) was presented the 2018 Legislator Year Award by Joe Giammona (right) 2019 CTA President
Ron Faulkner, Faulkner Trucking, asking a question during the morning educational sessions at The Citizen Hotel