Owner Operators Take to the Halls of the Capitol

Last week, along with CTA staff, a group of Owner Operators walked the halls of the State Capitol to fight for their livelihood. The group responded to a call for action for Owner Operators to meet with Senators on the need to address the trucking industry in Assembly Bill (AB) 5, which will codify the disastrous Dynamex decision.

The group was able to meet with the Chairs of the influential Transportation and Appropriations Committees, along with the chair and members of the Senate Labor Committee, where AB 5 will be heard in just a few weeks.

During these meetings, the Owner Operators told Legislators the impact Dynamex will have on their livelihood, more than likely putting them out of business and negating the investments they have put into their businesses.

As AB 5 continues to be debated in the Legislature, Owner Operators and businesses from around the state need to make their voice heard. You can click here to submit a letter to your Senator, asking them to not forget about independent trucking as the negotiations continue.