CABIA PAGA Lawsuit Still Moving- Please Consider Supporting

In 2018, the California Business and Industrial Alliance (CABIA) and other organizations tried to lobby for a legislative fix but quickly learned that because of the political makeup in California it was not likely to happen. So CABIA sued – alleging that PAGA violates the California and United States Constitutions. And as you may or may not know, CABIA has already achieved some success by defeating the State’s attempt to keep its lawsuit out of Court due to the persuasiveness of their equal protection argument. Additionally CABIA recently filed its First Amended Complaint, which explains in detail how PAGA violates California’s Separation of Powers doctrine, as well as state and federal due process protections. A copy is attached for your review.

The story that CABIA will tell at the trial court will set the stage for the story CABIA will tell to the California Court of Appeals, California Supreme Court, and the United States Supreme Court. To tell a complete story, CABIA must prevail over the next pleading challenge brought by the State, and be able to seek and compel substantial amounts of information from the State in discovery. Make no mistake, nobody in the California government, or in the Plaintiffs’ Bar, wants that information to come to light.

Nothing good comes free, including relief from the noxious PAGA law. CABIA estimates that the cost to litigate this case through trial will be between $1.6 and 2.6 million. As a grassroots organization, we rely on the support of business-owners like you to keep the fight going. And in addition to the lawsuit, CABIA is waging a full-scale public opinion campaign, which has produced effective content like the sampling below:

We ask that you consider supporting CABIA’s PAGA fight by making a contribution towards their efforts. CTA recently established a restricted account to intake funds that are pledged towards CABIA’s efforts. If you would like to make a contribution you may do so by sending it to CTA attention PAGA/CABIA Account. Mailing address is 4148 E. Commerce Way, Sacramento CA 95834. We can also send you an invoice.

Stand with CABIA on their efforts and consider making a contribution today! For more information contact Eric Sauer at