California Trucking Association Amends Lawsuit to Include Challenges to AB 5

CTA has been fighting to protect the industry from the "ABC test"  created by the Dynamex Supreme Court Decision even before AB 5 was introduced. In 2018, California Trucking Association (CTA) and two California independent owner-operator truck drivers sued the State of California to prevent the application of the “ABC” test to the trucking industry. The lawsuit is pending review and it argues that the Dynamex Decision should not be enforced because it is preempted under Federal Law. On November 12, CTA amended its lawsuit to add claims challenging AB 5 as well as asking for a preliminary injunction. The preliminary injunction would prevent the state from enforcing against the industry while our court case is ongoing. For more information on the amended changes to the lawsuit, view CTA's Press Release.  CTA will continue to update members as the lawsuit progresses.