Early Bird Pricing - Register for CTA's 2020 Annual Membership Conference!

CTA's Annual Membership Conference
"Bridging the Gap" 
January 23 - 25, 2020 - San Diego, CA

Register Now!

The conference will once again be held at the historic US Grant Hotel in San Diego and the conference will be packed with special guest speakers, educational programs, and much more! Registration includes all meal functions except the Past President’s Dinner on Friday, January 24 (invitation only).

Take advantage of early bird pricing until December 31, 2019 and save $50 per registration! 

Event Pricing Carriers Allied  Late Registrants
  By 12/31/19 By 12/31/19 After 12/31/19
Member $550 $650 $600/$700
2nd Rep Same Company $500 $600 $550/$650
Spouse/Guest $250 $250 $250
Non-Member $675 $775 $725/$825