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Tax & Business Impact of the CARES Act 
April 13, 2020
Content experts with Moss Adams provided essential information on SBA loans, the tax implications to the transportation industry, and applicable tax provisions; including those useful for immediate planning which can provide immediate cash flow. | Recording | Slides 

Legal and Intermodal Updates: AB5/Dynamex Litigation, COVID-19, Port Operations, and More
April 7, 2020
Amid the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, content experts provided an update on the legal landscape including a discussion of common questions and answers raised by the trucking and transportation industries since the crisis started. The status and progress of key AB5 cases was also discussed. Content experts also provided updates on intermodal activities at the Port of Los Angeles (POLA) and Port of Long Beach (POLB). | Recording | Slides

5 Trucking Trends That Will Change Your Business
March 31, 2020
During this webinar, PrePass discussed five trends that will have a big impact on trucking in 2020: Increasing marijuana use, changing truck driver demographics, connected vehicles, the internet of things (IOT) and trucking data security.| Recording | Slides

COVID-19 Coordination
March 27, 2020
During the March 27 coordination meeting, we provide COVID-19 updates and exchange information to ensure the unimpeded movement of trucks during this ongoing situation. | Recording | Slides