Join Us for A Virtual Seminar on Accident Management for Motor Carriers

Thursday, March 17, 2022 | 9-11am
CTA Member: $99
Non-Member: $149
One of your drivers is involved in a major collision involving a family in a minivan. There are major injuries. As the Safety Director, you have become the Claim Administrator and must work with management, law enforcement, insurance companies, attorneys, and eventually a jury in court.
We will discuss:
Do you know what to do to properly collect the necessary documentation?
What is spoliation?
How do you defend yourself against the trend in “nuclear verdicts?”
What can you expect to experience from other parties during the process?
Are you prepared for court?

We will look at some of the steps you need to take to collect records and document the incident post-accident from the perspective of the accident investigator, insurance adjuster, and transportation attorney.
This is not an accident investigation/reconstruction class but provides the safety manager insight into how to systematically work through the collision crisis aftermath.
Participant info will be sent once registered.

Presented by CTA Seminar Partner