2022 California Trucking Advocacy Day

Last Wednesday, CTA held its Annual California Trucking Advocacy Day virtually.
More than 120 registered through Zoom for the panel discussions between key legislative leaders and appointed officials.
During the first panel, Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry and Congressman John Garamendi discussed their efforts to rein in unfair detention and demurrage charges and other legislative issues at the state and federal level.
The second panel featured CARB Board Members Gideon Kracov and Vice Chair Sandy Berg who will hear and vote on the Advanced Clean Fleets (ACF) regulation in the fall of this year. Each board member shared their thoughts on the proposed ACF regulation and answered questions from audience members.
CTA presented Assemblymember Aguiar-Curry with the 2022 CTA Legislator of the Year Award for her work to help the trucking industry and for her efforts on AB 2406, CTA's co-sponsored legislation. 
If you were unable to participate or attend the event, please find a recording of the webinar below.
2022 Virtual Trucking Advocacy Day
Access Passcode: CTAAdvocacy2022!