Register Today for CTA Insights - A NextGen Program!
Thursday, September 1
Thursday, October 6
Thursday, November 3
Member - $199
Non-Member - $299
CTA Insights
Working with CTA to advance your organization, and the trucking industry, has never been more important. Register TODAY for our new virtual workshop, which is divided into 3 short, one-hour segments:
- The Leadership Challenge: Resilient Leaders in Turbulent Times: Learn new techniques to help you stay calm and bounce back quickly when the road gets bumpy.
- CTA 360: Exploring How You Can Engage and Get Involved with Your Industry: Enhance your understanding of CTA, how it works, and how to utilize your insider’s knowledge to improve your own organization.
- Bright Spots: Leading, Rewarding and Encouraging those Around You: Discover specific ways to motivate and reward your team and those around you.
The program is open to CTA members only and it is limited to 30 participants to ensure that everyone has a meaningful and substantial experience.
Admission to the program will be made on a first come, first served basis.