Help CTA's Fight Against Runaway Regulators

In May 2021, the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) approved the Warehouse Indirect Source Rule (ISR) to regulate emissions associated with warehouses greater than 100,000 square feet located in the South Coast Air Basin.
By now either your business or your organization’s members have likely started to grapple with the immense cost and administrative burdens imposed by this rule, which are estimated to cost approximately $1 per square foot of warehousing space annually. 
We believe this rule represent an unconstitutional tax and authority grab that sets a dangerous precedent that will spread to other air quality districts in California, other states and potentially nationwide!
In August 2021, the CTA and its counsel from Holland & Knight filed a lawsuit challenging the validity of this rule.
We are now in the critical stages of pretrial proceedings and we cannot fight back against this regulation without your help!  
We have the opportunity to stop an out of control government agency from unlawfully regulating truck emissions and imposing billions of fees on the logistics industry. 
Below you will find ways you can help and learn more:
·     Contribute to CTA's Advocacy Fund through our online portal or contact Nick Chiappe ( for other payment options. CLICK HERE TO CONTRIBUTE
·     Spread the word about this lawsuit to your colleagues in the warehousing and fulfillment industries by sharing this FAQ
·     To view a copy of the complaint CLICK HERE
If you would like to get more involved in the litigation itself, please contact Chris Shimoda ( for more information on options for participation.
Help CTA's Legal Fight