Nominations for 2023 Joe Kent Award & Golden Jubiilee Awards Due Dec. 30

Joe Kent was the Vice President for CTA from 2004-2014. He was an ordinary person who accomplished extraordinary things for our association through selfless acts of service.
This award celebrates Allied members in action, who like Joe, have given generously of themselves for the greater good of our organization over the years. In remembrance of Joe, we have created our highest recognition to be awarded annually at the Annual Membership Conference held each January. The recipient will be honored at the President’s Lunch on Thursday, January 19, 2023. A $1,000.00 donation given by the Allied Member Conference is to be awarded to the CTA activity of the recipient’s choice, and have their name inscribed on a commemorative plaque that will be permanently and proudly displayed at the CTA headquarters in Sacramento.
Be an Allied Member in good standing.
Volunteer on a CTA committee, conference, or council.

To be considered for the award:
Have a CTA member (in good standing) nominate you by completing the nomination form. Receive endorsement from your committee, conference, or council Chair to confirm your participation
Only properly endorsed nominations received by the deadline will be considered.
We encourage you to apply for this special award, CTA's highest commendation for Allied Members!
Submit nomination form by December 30, 2022.
Submit nomination form by December 30, 2022
2023 Nomination Form