California Trucking Association Circle Club Program (CCP) provides organizations with maximum value and convenience to reach CTA carrier members. When you’re a member of the CTA Circle Club, you pay one upfront cost for your entire organization once a year. Benefits include access to a wide variety of promotional opportunities to get in front of the CTA membership, your potential customers. You'll have access to the tools and resources needed to help your organization significantly enhance its reach.
Why Circle Club?
Value, value, value. With savings on CTA advertising and promotional programs, it’s the most cost efficient and comprehensive solution to provide access to the CTA carrier membership.
Target audience. CTA members spend nearly $11.3 billion annually on products and services. Our carrier members range from individual owner-operators, to small family-owned for-hire fleets, to the world’s largest international carriers.
Increase your exposure and membership benefits. Participation in The Circle Club Program shows that you have a vested interest in the California trucking industry and are a significant partner with the California Trucking Association.