Canadian Water and Wastewater Association eBulletin

A national financing survey for municipal utilities

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CWWA, through our Utility Leadership Committee, are supporting partners of this financial sustainability project with the Canadian Water Network. Together, we hope to advance our knowledge in this area, but we need your help.  We encourage all of our members to participate in this survey. Below is a message from the CWN and a link to the survey.

In March of this year, Canadian Water Network (CWN) released Balancing the Books: Financial Sustainability for Canadian Water Systems, which articulated key elements, current challenges and considerations facing water, wastewater and stormwater utilities in moving towards financial sustainability. To further support Canadian utilities, CWN is looking to better understand what elements are guiding plan development, whether sufficient information is currently available and applicable within a local context, and how information is being used to support financial decisions. As a result, CWN has created a financial planning survey. Their intent with this survey is to:

  • Understand what information is available and being used by utilities to inform financial planning.
    Understand if the existing information is useful, and if not, in what way can it be improved to be more useful/applicable.
  • If there are areas (e.g. affordability, reserves, rates) that require additional focus and/or initiatives to be developed to address.
  • You have been invited to complete this survey based on your specific expertise related to utility financing. The information you provide will greatly inform the development of future financing initiatives to ensure useful and valuable products can be developed to assist financial sustainability planning.

The survey can be accessed using the link below. Please complete the survey by October 5, 2018.
