Canadian Water and Wastewater Association eBulletin
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October 24, 2013

Statistics Canada - 2013 Survey of Drinking Water Plants

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In the winter of 2014 Statistics Canada will be conducting the Survey of Drinking Water Plants. This survey is a census of public drinking water plants serving communities of 300 or more people. The survey results will produce a national portrait of treatment processes and costs, and source water quality across Canada, for facilities that range from ones with complex treatment processes to basic groundwater well supplies that provide minimal or no treatment. These data will be used to track the state of source water stocks and treatment on a regional basis and will also be used in the development of environmental accounts and indicators.
Drinking water plant operators will be contacted by phone in November of 2013 to verify contact name and address. The survey will be mailed out in January 2014 and we encourage all utilities that receive the survey to complete it as best and as soon as possible and return it to Statistics Canada.  More information about the survey can be found at  the Statistics Canada webpage.
Specific enquires about this survey should be directed to Environment Accounts and Statistics Division, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0T6 or by email.

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