Canadian Water and Wastewater Association eBulletin
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October 24, 2013

New CWWA e-Bulletin

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Welcome to the new CWWA e-Bulletin. We are very excited to be launching this new electronic version of our popular Bulletin. This will not only ensure cheaper, faster delivery to our readers, but allow us to expand distribution, using the e-Bulletin as an important way of reaching both members and non-members, strengthening CWWA’s role as THE national voice of the sector and creating a greater national presence.

Please feel free to forward the Bulletin to your friends and colleagues. If they are interested in continuing to receive it they can just follow the "subscribe" link and they will automatically receive the Bulletin each month. We will also be reaching out to our prime contacts to work on expanding our list of members and maximizing our distribution.

We also hope to expand the content of the new e-Bulletin to include more stories directly from our members – including Committee and Member Profiles and features about member projects and research. If you are interested in submitting content please contact Kara Parisien at to learn more.


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