Canadian Water and Wastewater Association eBulletin
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October 24, 2013

WSER – Implementation Update

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CWWA Wastewater and Stormwater Committee members were invited to participate in a teleconference with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to discuss the implementation and impacts of the Wastewater Systems Effluent Regulations.

Participants provided updates on their experiences to date with the Regulations. Most subject utilities have submitted their initial identification reports and are working towards compliance. No members have received any feedback from Environment Canada on these initial identification reports or any other data submitted.


There have also been no concrete updates on the status of the administrative agreements although indications are that some provinces will seek equivalency agreements.

FCM provided an update on the status of the new Building Canada Fund. The federal government insists that they will have the new program in place in time for the 2014 construction season; however, there has been little to no consultation or communication on the specifics of the program. While CWWA members would like to see a dedicated portion of the funding set aside for compliance with the WSER, this seems unlikely.

Given the likely tight deadlines for project submission, all members are encouraged to have their projects as close to application ready as possible.


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