Canadian Water and Wastewater Association eBulletin
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October 24, 2013

The Water Environment Association of Ontario Receives Prestigious Water Quality Award

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The Water Environment Association of Ontario (WEAO), received the prestigious Public Education Award from the Water Environment Federation (WEF).

The award was presented during a ceremony at WEF’s 86th Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference this October in Chicago.

The WEF Public Education Award recognizes WEF members for significant accomplishments in promoting awareness and understanding of water environment issues among the general public, through the development and implementation of public education programs.

WEAO is being recognized for production of the video, "Biosolids: Naturally Sustainable". WEAO produced this educational video to increase public knowledge and awareness of biosolids beneficial re-use as a sustainable and environmentally responsible management method. The video highlights new regulations, best management practices and ongoing research initiatives in government and academia, and identifies alternate forms of beneficial re-use such as mine land reclamation, forestry, nurseries, as well as use as an energy source.

It addresses emerging issues of concern and demonstrates sustainability in biosolids management through factual information in a balanced and simple format that is easy to follow, interesting and of reasonable duration.

WEAO is pleased to acknowledge other agencies that helped to fund this video including a number of sponsoring Ontario municipalities, the Canadian Water and Wastewater Association (CWWA), and the Ontario Provincial Biosolids Utilization Committee (BUC). We were fortunate to have been able to get an amazingly high calibre of professionals to appear and speak on camera from municipalities, universities, Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE), Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), as well as the Provincial Environmental Commissioner of Ontario. For all the film shoots, access was made available to municipal and provincial government and university facilities, as well as to private companies for transportation and spreading equipment and farm sites.

The video can be reviewed online.

It has received widespread viewings online across Canada, USA, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Asia. Many positive comments have been received from this worldwide audience. A French version of the video has also been produced and is also available on the WEAO website. A Presenter’s Guide provides guidance to individuals or groups who wish to present the video to different audiences such as local politicians, farmers or the general public. It is anticipated that the video will also be used as a youth education tool and the video has been made available for teachers and schools for inclusion within the school curriculum.


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