Canadian Water and Wastewater Association eBulletin
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October 24, 2013

CEC Launches Online Hazardous Waste Training

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The Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) announced in September 2013, the launch of Hazardous Waste Online Training (available in English, French, Spanish, and Mandarin). The training resource:

  • Explains what can be considered hazardous waste (battery waste, spent solvents, etc.);
  • Identifies the international agreements that apply in North America;
  • Outlines environmental import and export requirements for each of the three North American Free Trade agreement (NAFTA) signatories: Canada, Mexico and the United States; and 
  • Includes a knowledge check to test the participant’s understanding of the information.

Since water and wastewater utilities handle some hazardous waste materials the trainng may be of interest to members.


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