Canadian Water and Wastewater Association eBulletin
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November 28, 2013

Greenhouse Gas Reporting

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Environment Canada has published a notice regarding their annual reporting requirements for greenhouse gases. The Notice requires any facility with GHG emissions that meet exceed a 50,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions threshold to report their GHG information to Environment Canada on or before June 1, 2014. New for this reporting year are revised "Global Warming Potential" values that are used to calculate if you meet the threshold and in calculating reported values. Reporters are now also required to report the facility latitude and longitude.

When the reporting requirements were first published several years ago CWWA inquired with members to determine if any facilities met the reporting requirements and responses indicated that only the very large facilities had any potential to meet the reporting requirements. Any facilities who may be at or near the threshold should be aware of the new calculation regimes and deadline.


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