Where Does it Come From?
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Darcy Janzen, the lead water treatment operator for EPCOR in Taber, Alberta, has written an illustrated children book "Where does it come from?" that explains the water treatment process to young readers, illustrating not only the complex process required to deliver safe drinking water, but also the incredible importance of water to our society and environment.
Janzen says he wrote the book because he hasn’t seen very many educational tools of this nature that are concerned with this precious resource, water. In the book dedication he says: "If I could send a message to the world, it would be to enjoy water, from swimming in it and running through sprinklers, to drinking it and cleaning with it. But don’t waste it, abuse it or think we will never run out."
A portion of the sales of the book will go to water-based missions. The book is available on Amazon or through the publisher, Trafford Publishing, or directly from the author at dtjanzen@shaw.ca.