Canadian Water and Wastewater Association eBulletin
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November 28, 2013

Using the Energy-Water Nexus to Build Better Programs

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In the pursuit of new and more significant energy efficiency savings, the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) has published several reports outlining some of the innovative ways utilities can help their customers reduce energy waste through program design and new technologies. They have also started looking at the relationship between energy consumption and other natural resources such as air pollution and water use. Demonstrating that energy efficiency can help us achieve other objectives such as emission reductions and water conservation not only helps make the case for energy efficiency but it also allows partnerships and cost sharing.

Both of these strategies are the focus of a new ACEEE report, Saving Water and Energy Together: Helping Utilities Build Better Programs. The report outlines areas where water utilities and energy utilities can design and administer programs together to achieve greater water and energy savings


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