Canadian Water and Wastewater Association eBulletin
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December 27, 2013

The New e-Bulletin

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Welcome to the e-Bulletin! We managed our first trial of the Bulletin in its new electronic format in October and we are now confident to launch this newest communications tool. Sharing information about the water and wastewater industry is one of CWWA’s primary mandates and we are excited to share the e-Bulletin with so many more contacts. The old paper format served us well for many years, but it was costly to print and (as we all know) getting more expensive to mail each month. The old format only hit the Prime Contact for each corporate member, whereas the new format can go directly to every employee within a corporate member. We can also offer the new format to non-members (potential members) too, and we hope to get this e-Bulletin onto the screens of thousands more.

Please forward this e-Bulletin on to anyone you think who might appreciate reading it. They can contact us or subscribe themselves directly from the e-Bulletin. We will continue to share CWWA information about our activities and events, but are able to offer more committee and volunteer profiles. Of course, we will continue to share relevant news clippings from across the country. We also expanded our calendar of events to be a comprehensive reference to all the water and wastewater conferences, workshops and symposiums in North America and around the world.

From the business side, this format also allows us to provide advertising opportunities — at a discounted rate for our members.  We do hope you enjoy the electronic newsletter!


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