Canadian Water and Wastewater Association eBulletin
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December 27, 2013

The Water Haller – by CWWA Executive Director, Robert Haller

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Home for a rest! It has been a crazy fall for conferences and water events. If you don’t believe me, just ask my wife and kids. Since September, I have been away to Edmonton for the WCW Conference then Fredericton for the ACWWA Conference — and I thank both our Regional partners for taking such good care of me. I then hit Chicago for WEFTEC and a meeting with the WEF Canadian Affairs Committee before we hosted our first joint Canadian Energy & Water Efficiency Conference in Calgary.

I was invited to Toronto to speak at the Canadian Council for Private Public Partnerships and moderated a great panel discussion on P3’s for the water sector — you can watch this session by connecting to this link A week later, I participated in the Quality Urban Systems of Tomorrow (QUEST) conference in Markham then straight back to Calgary for the AWWA Section Summit and AWWA Canadian Affairs Committee.  I made it back to Ottawa just in time to host another successful CWWA Window on Ottawa event.

Meanwhile, we were undergoing some significant changes in the office. We conducted a complete organizational review. The recommendations from the review have led to the introduction of new financial software and new processes. We are now working to realign all of our work into the new processes and our own strategic plan — all with the purpose of serving the members more effectively and efficiently.

With the adjustments made to the administrative machinery, we look forward to 2014 and the challenges it will bring. Working with the Board of Directors, we know our focus will be on improving the membership experience in order to retain and attract active members. A large part of this depends on the activities of the technical committees that involve the membership and lead our national level dialogue.

If you have thoughts about how we can be a better association, please share those thoughts with us. We are always open for ideas and a helpful nudge.



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