New By-laws for CWWA
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This is really getting to be old news, but to make it official ... the CWWA passed its new corporate by-laws at the AGM on November 28th. The review and amendment of the by-laws were precipitated by the new Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act. The new federal legislation calls upon all nationally-registered nonprofit organizations to resubmit "Letters of Continuance" along with revised by-laws that must comply with the Act. The requirements are much more prescriptive, and closer in line with the Canada Corporations Act, providing greater transparency for members. We needed to fix up our by-laws a bit, have them approved by the members and submit all the paperwork by October 2014 ... so we are well ahead of the game.
We didn’t really change much — more reformatting than anything to use the recommended template. The biggest difference is the clarification of our membership categories. While for the most part, our members are corporate members, being municipal utilities, associations, institutions or private-sector companies, we used to offer individual "memberships." Under the new legislation, we needed to clarify the roles of individuals. Any employee of a corporate member certainly has full benefits of membership and we can offer most of the same benefits (subscriptions and discounted rates) to individuals through a subscriber agreement — we just can’t call you a "member" for voting purposes.
If you are a member, you would have received notice of the changes back in October, but the final by-laws are posted to our website.