Canadian Water and Wastewater Association eBulletin
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December 27, 2013

CWWA Board Welcomes a New President and New Directors

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We held our 26th Annual General Meeting on November 28th as part of our Window on Ottawa event.  Our 2013 President, Neil Thomas of Fredericton, called the meeting to order, but before the meeting was through, Roland Richard of Greater Moncton, had taken the gavel (figuratively as we didn’t have an actual gavel) as our new President for 2014. Neil moves into the Past President position to replace Dan Limacher of Calgary who has left the Board after several years of service. Neil and Dan were praised for their leadership through the last few years of transition.   

Mike Darbyshire of the Alberta Capital Region Wastewater Commission moves into the 1st Vice President role while Dwayne Kalynchuk of Victoria has agreed to stay on as our Treasurer. The Board was pleased to accept the nomination of Colwyn Sunderland of Kerr Wood Leidel (Victoria, BC) into the role of 2nd Vice President.

The Board also welcomed four new Directors: Edith Phillips as the WCW rep.; William Fernandes as the WEAO rep.; Ray Miller as the OWWA rep.; and David Albisser as the Yukon Utilities rep. The Board expressed their gratitude to the four directors who had moved on after completing their terms on the Board: Dan Limacher (WCW), John Duong (WEAO), Joe Salter (OWWA) and Brian Crist (Yukon).

The full revised list of the Board of Directors is available from our website.


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