CWWA Security and Emergency Management Committee — Membership Update on Cyber Security by Neil E.Thomas, P.Eng, 2013 CWWA President
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In conjunction with the 2013 CWWA Window on Ottawa, the CWWA Security and Emergency Management Committee conducted a day workshop on cyber security and emergency planning on November 27, 2013.
Presenters included Public Safety Canada, RCMP, Canadian Security Intelligence Service, Halifax Water, City of Calgary, Canadian Cyber Security Incident Centre, V2PM Inc, and Microsoft Canada.
This CWWA notification has been developed to provide cyber security contact and resource information.
The Committee Chairman is Pat Bellemare and he can reached at: Cyber Security and Awareness Contacts Public Safety Canada – Know and Understand Risks Related to Cyber Security Halifax Water – Safety and Security |
Canadian Cyber Security Incident Centre – Provincial, Municipal and Private Sector Cyber Systems Security Kenneth Bendelier Frank Turbide V2PM Inc, Microsoft Canada RCMP – Cyber Crime Threats (criminal activity) Additional Highlights |
Cyber Security Do’s and Don’ts for Work and Home
Computers, tablets, phones, SCADA systems are all vulnerable.
As mainstream computer operating software providers "harden" their products against attack, malicious computer code is being introduced into alternate forms of electronic communication such as alternate devices and digital music, on-line gaming, fake web sites, and email file attachments.
Malicious software – cyber attacks are increasingly sophisticated and being generated by state sponsored computer specialists or organized crime computer specialists.
- Upgrade – keep up to date with security patch software from Microsoft
- Work place must have a Cyber policy and response plan
- Identify what SCADA based water and sewer equipment can be operated without automation
- Establish a water and sewer section IT Division to take ownership of SCADA control systems
- Upgrade Windows operating system as Windows XP no longer supported after April 8, 2014
- Add additional security features on computer beyond basic inherent features
- Type in web link addresses
- Anti-virus/malware protection is required on all devices (i.e. computer, cell phone, tablets, etc.)
- Report suspicious computer activity to Public Safety Canada (contact name, phone required)
- Change factory set passwords on new computerized equipment – software
- Change personal passwords and use a mixture of character types
- Do not post personal information on social web sites
- Do not open/respond to emails containing an offer of free products
- Do not open emails containing unrecognized names or topics
- Do not allow unsecure – unencrypted flash drives to carry information in-out of your company or water utility.
- Do not purchase software products or services from companies originating outside of North America – Western Europe
- Do not use out of date or older software