Canadian Water and Wastewater Association eBulletin
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December 27, 2013

CWWA Welcomes new President — Roland Richard

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CWWA is pleased to announce the appointment of our new president for 2014 — Roland Richard, representing the Atlantic Canada Water and Wastewater Association (ACWWA).

Roland welcomes the opportunity to serve the Canadian Water and Wastewater Association (CWWA) and help represent the common interests of Canada’s municipal water and wastewater utilities including the private sector that supports them.

His career spans more than 40 years as a Registered Professional Engineer in the Province of New Brunswick with municipal engineering experience in both the private and public sectors.

Roland has extensive and varied experience in municipal engineering, water and wastewater infrastructure management including general municipal administration. He volunteers and serves on several Canadian and International Water and Wastewater Associations. Roland represents the ACWWA as its representative on the CWWA Board of Directors. He is currently active on several Standards Council of Canada (SCC) professional international mirror committees involved in the development of International Standards (ISO) of Water Re-Use in urban applications including Treated Wastewater Reuse for Irrigation, and also in the area of Wastewater Sludge/Biosolids Recovery, Recycling, Treatment and Disposal.

He attended the Université de Moncton and is a graduate of Queen’s University with a Bachelor of Applied Science in Civil Engineering.

Pictured left: Roland RIchard accepting the Chain of Office from Past President, Neil Thomas.


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