Consultation on Proposed Changes to NPRI for the 2014 Reporting Year Resulting From the NPRI Substance Review

Environment Canada is currently consulting on several proposed changes to the NPRI. Changes include lowered thresholds for several substances:

One Proposed Addition :

And several Proposed Deletions :

The consultation document is available from the CWWA website. CWWA encourages most facilities affected by this proposed changes to review the consultation document and provide comments to NPRI before Friday December 20, 2013 at:

While some of these substances — for example bisphenol A — are undoubtedly present in trace amounts in wastewater streams concentrations fall well below even the revised threshold. The consultation document states that reporting is expected to significantly increase, but only from the industrial sectors directly using and manufacturing the chemicals.

Allan Mumby from EPCOR represents CWWA on the NPRI Working Group who met recently in Ottawa and monitors and provides input on proposed changes to the reporting requirements. He will be providing a summary of recent discussions for the next Bulletin.

Canadian Water and Wastewater Association