Calendar of Water Events

 March /Mars 
 17 -19  
Visit the website
 April /Avril 
 19 – 21  
Visit the website
 26 – 28  
Visit the website
Visit the Website
 27 -29  

WEFMAX. Old Quebec City, QC
 27 – 30  
Visit the website
 June / Juin 
 5 – 8   

Visit the website
 7 – 10   

Visit the website

The Energy of Water - Exploring Nexus Opportunities. Vancouver, British Columbia

September / Septembre
 15 - 18  

Visit the website
 26 - 30  

Visit the website
October / Octobre 
4 - 7

Visit the website
25 - 28
Visit the website

ACWWA Annual Conference. St. John’s, NFLD
National Water and Wastewater Conference. Whistler, 

Canadian Water and Wastewater Association