USDN Cities Announce "Carbon Neutral Cities Allliance"


The Urban Sustainability Directors Network (USDN) announced recently that the mayors of 17 international cities across nine nations have collectively launched the Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance (CNCA) - a group of cities committed to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by at least 80 per cent by 2050 or sooner.

Because urban areas account for nearly three-quarters of humanity’s emissions, minimizing global temperature changes will require cities to reduce GHGs by at least 80 per cent below 2000 levels by 2050.

The Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance is governed by a Steering Committee of Alliance cities, and staffed by the Urban Sustainability Directors Network (USDN) in partnership with the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40) and Innovation Network for Communities (INC). The Alliance’s work is supported by the Kresge Foundation, Barr Foundation, V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund and Summit Foundation.

Early Alliance activities include:


Canadian Water and Wastewater Association