Managing an outbreak of cryptosporidiosis

It was 16:00 hours on a Friday afternoon in mid-August when the phone call came in. The admin assistant who routinely recorded the daily cryptosporidiosis reports advised that four cases had been reported compared to the normal one or two. She thought we should know. 
I had a decision to make. Do I press the button and instigate an immediate response or ignore it? Was four sufficient to warrant a response? Well I pressed the button and the rest is history; forever ingrained in my memory. It became a weekend of late nights and early mornings for myself, my colleagues and members of the multiagency response team. We worked tirelessly to co-ordinate all the known information, set actions in place to fill the missing gaps and made working hypotheses for those areas where there was uncertainty. By 04:00 GMT on the Monday morning, it was transparently clear that we needed to implement a boil water notice. Over 100,000 properties received the advice which was lifted six weeks later. There were 575 confirmed cases of cryptosporidiosis.
Moving time forward to today, if you asked me would have done anything different on that Friday afternoon, my answer would be NO. However, the systems and processes which were available at the time have improved significantly. The large outbreaks of illness experienced in the 1990s are now few and far between, with precautionary boil water notices being applied at the first indication of cryptosporidium in the water supply. We know so much more about the risks and mitigation measures that can be applied. With continuous on-line monitoring, we can identify when our processes are under challenge or are operating sub-optimally. The recovery rates from our sampling and laboratory analysis have improved considerably and we have much more confidence in responding and implementing a boil water notice on an individual result. We also know the rates of illness within communities and we can now genotype the oocysts to confirm the source of infection.
So, 21 years on, here are my top ten tips:
21 years of knowledge and experience has been collated in our specialist on-line training course; Preventing Cryptosporidium in Drinking Water. It is available from  CWWA members are entitled to a 20% discount (code CWWA20).
Learn more at
About the Author: Helen Clay-Chapman has had a long career in the UK Water Industry. She has been involved in many incident response scenarios working closely within other agencies to secure a satisfactory and timely outcome. 

Canadian Water and Wastewater Association