Ontario: New Report Details Status of Tier 1 and Tier 2 chemicals in the Great Lakes basin under the Canada-Ontario Agreement

The status of Tier 1 and Tier 2 chemicals in the Great Lakes Basin under the Canada-Ontario Agreement provides information on the current trends of the chemical in the Great Lakes Basin over time, related to its use, release and environmental concentrations in ambient air, surface water, sediment, fish and Herring Gull eggs. A summary of current and past risk management actions, research, monitoring and surveillance activities for these chemicals that the Ontario provincial government and the Canadian federal government have undertaken is also provided.

Status of Tier 1 chemical concentrations in the environment
Concentration levels of most Tier 1 chemicals have gone down over time across the Great Lakes, in water, sediment, fish and Herring Gull eggs.
Action and status of Tier 2 chemicals
Similar to the Tier 1 chemicals, Canada has regulated the use of many Tier 2 chemicals. For instance:
Other Tier 2 chemicals continue to have commercial and industrial uses and/or releases:
The report details actions taken on individual chemicals, gives concentration levels and more.

Canadian Water and Wastewater Association