Below is a break down of specific changes that will likely impact CWWA members.
Not all fish and fish habitat are protected under the current Act. Only those related to a commercial, recreational or Aboriginal fishery protected. The amendment will make the fish habitat provisions apply to ALL fish habitat. For reference "fish habitat" refers to "fish habitat means spawning grounds and any other areas, including nursery, rearing, food supply and migration areas, on which fish depend directly or indirectly in order to carry out their life processes;"
The new Act will create provisions to add clarity on which types of projects require authorizations through permitting and codes of practice.
In order to increase the transparency of the permitting process the Act will add a requirement to publicly release information on project decisions through an online registry.
The Act will add the ability to address Fisheries Act offences outside of courts using alternative measures agreements, which reduces costs and repeat offences.
Canadian Water and Wastewater Association