NWWC2018 - Introducing Keynote Speaker Steve Szucs


National Water and Wastewater Conference

November 4 - 7


Join our Keyonote Speaker on November 5


CWWA is excited to announce our keynote speaker Steve Szucs.

In a world of invisible problems this presentation will explore methods to engage society and create waves of change.

Recognizing our global need to transition to sustainable practices, Stephen founded SustainableJoes as a passion project in 2013.

Since inception, Stephen has lived off-grid, zero waste, cycled across the continent, produced a sustainability focused documentary, developed sustainable products, and created a sustainability centric podcast; all in an effort to empower ''Everyday Joes'' (Joseph & Joanne) to take meaningful action when it comes to sustainability

Still waiting to make your hotel reservation? CWWA''s hotel rates are only guaranteed until October 4, so make your reservations soon, to secure the best rate.
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Canadian Water and Wastewater Association