NWWC Webinar Series - starting November 18






Water systems are large complex entities involving natural and man-made elements. From the watershed, to the reservoir, through the plant, to customer taps, into the collection system, through treatment and back into the environment, there are an incredible number of elements to balance. This webinar series will explore how we move towards sustainable water systems, by spotlighting the different elements of the water system lead by each of our technical committees. More importantly it will explore WHAT actually makes a utility sustainable – full cost accounting and recovery? Succession planning? Source water protection and stewardship? Innovation? Energy neutrality?

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Visit the NWWC Webinar Series website

Future Proofing the Water Sector - November 18 & 25. 
Registration Open

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Unravelling water system resilience - December 2

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We'll kick off the 2021 webinars on January 13, watch the website for registration and information on our topics and speakers.
Utility Leadership -
January 13
Wastewater Surveillance -
January 20

Water Efficiency: From Data to Action - January 27

Energy Efficiency as a strategic driver - February 3

A look into the future of Biosolids regulations in Canada - February 10

Source Water Protection - February 17

Closing Panel : Making Connections - February 24


Canadian Water and Wastewater Association