Water Canada magazine and the Water’s Next Awards named Ian McIlwham as Canadian Operator of the Year at the awards ceremony in Niagara Falls, June 2nd.
If you are at all connected to CWWA, you should know Ian McIlwham, Compliance Manager with the Region of Durham. He has chaired the CWWA Security & Emergency Management Committee for almost 10 years now and, together with Greg Solecki, wrote the Pandemic Plans that helped guide Canadian utilities through the COVID-19 challenges. He has also led all of our cyber-security projects with our federal government partners.
Yes, he has the title of Manager, but he is also a fully certified operator which made him "‘volunteer #1” with Operators Without Borders. As busy as he is, he was part of the first operator teams of OWB following hurricanes in the Caribbean. Ian was deployed to Dominica and then Belize. He has since been offering his time as an online trainer through OWB to countries around the world.
Ian is one of the most dedicated volunteers I know and is truly deserving of this recognition. Thank you Durham Region for sharing him!
Canadian Water and Wastewater Association