A reminder to members to plan to attend the joint Water Canada Summit being hosted in conjunction with our Window on Ottawa. This collaboration means we’ll be bringing you an event that features not only the federal updates and panel discussions you expect from the Window on Ottawa, but also a broader look at water issues across Canada, with a holistic approach to water resource management.

Our first session will focus on climate resilience – with a speaker from Infrastructure Canada introducing the Climate Resilient Built Environment initiative. This initiative will provide the knowledge to adapt our public infrastructure where necessary, inform changes to building and infrastructure codes, and create guides, standards, tools, and technical solutions for climate resilience. Next Kala Pendakur will speak about the Canada Standards Association’s Standards to Support Resilience in Infrastructure Program. Finally a speaker from FCM will update us on the Green Municipal Funds and how they can be used to support municipalities as they take climate action.

We’ll also have updates on DFO’s Fish and Fish Habitat Protection Program Wave 3 Engagement on Policies & Regulatory Initiatives, the National Adaptation Strategy for climate resilience and an update on Flood Hazard Identification and Mapping Program (FHIMP).

Meet some of our great speakers

We’re also planning to host smaller focused webinars over the summer from some federal departments we couldn’t squeeze into the Water Canada Summit.

You can learn more and register for the event at:


Canadian Water and Wastewater Association