Draft objective for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in drinking water

Health Canada published a draft objective for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in drinking water. The interim drinking water objective proposed is 30 nanograms per litre (ng/L) for a sum of PFAS.  

CWWA submitted comments on the proposed objective. As an industry we recognize the challenge that PFAS/PFOS pose to human and environmental health and are committed to doing our part in mitigating the risk. However, the Committee had several concerns with the proposed objective value. The biggest concern was the concept of an objective value. This doesn’t align with other Health Canada guidance and may create confusion and inconsistencies on how it’s applied across the country. Our committee felt that an achievable MAC would be more effective than a lower objective value in the overall goal of lowering exposure to PFAS/PFOS substances.  

There seems to be a lack of data on PFAS in Canadian drinking water and data indicating how much drinking water contributes to overall exposure. Without this data setting drinking water objectives is premature.

While there are several drinking water treatment options that remove PFAS compounds, they all produce waste streams that need to be managed. Removing PFAS from drinking water will shift the problem to wastewater and biosolids streams, rather than remove the threat. Because of their complex "forever chemical” nature plans to address PFAS need to be holistic and consider the final disposal of these chemicals.


Canadian Water and Wastewater Association