For over 10 years, CWWA has been working with wastewater partners to address the negative impacts of so-called ‘flushable’ wipes. We have taken our fight from a local effort, to a North American attempt to an international level and now back again.
CWWA was instrumental in forming an international coalition, the IWSFG, and developing a scientifically-supported definition for the term flushable. This international standard, the IWSFG-PAS3, and its logo, are supported by the wastewater associations in several countries and now the CWWA formally adopts is too. CWWA also encourages its members to recognize this standard and to promote the logo in their public communications concerning flushing. CWWA also supports the development of a formal Canadian standard through the Standards Council of Canada – hoping this could lead to enforceable regulation of such products.
Canadian Water and Wastewater Association