Water Haller: Saving the Best for Last!

The fall is always a busy conference season…and long for those of you that do the whole circuit like me. I am wrapping up at the Western Canada Water show in Saskatoon, where we celebrated their 75th anniversary as a professional association serving the western provinces and the territories. From Saskatoon, it’s a quick stop in Ottawa for FCM’s Big City Mayors Forum and then straight to Chicago for the massive WEFTEC show. I’ll get a few days at home for Thanksgiving before I am off to the Atlantic Canada Water & Wastewater show in Charlottetown. I am happy to report that our regional association partners are all strong and surpassing pre-covid numbers. 

Now meaning no offence to my regional partners who run great events and treat me royally, my favourite is the National Water & Wastewater Conference every November (but I might be a little biased). You should know by now that we will be in Niagara Falls this year and we are planning some of the best networking for Canada’s water leaders. Oh, and of course, we have incredible technical sessions during the day, but you’re really coming to be a part of this national network. I’ll see you there.



Niagara is for Lovers…of water!

Canadian Water and Wastewater Association