Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality - Iron

An aesthetic objective (AO) of = 0.1 mg/L (100 µg/L) is proposed for total iron in drinking water.

According to the draft Guidance document exposure to very high levels may cause adverse health effects, with gastrointestinal distress being the most sensitive endpoint. However, at lower levels it can impact the taste and appearance of drinking water. The proposed AO of = 0.1 mg/L (100 µg/L) is intended to minimize the occurrence of discoloured water due to the presence of iron oxides and to improve consumer confidence in drinking water quality. It is important to note that when both iron and manganese (Mn) are present, the removal of iron generally improves the removal of Mn, thus reducing the health risk associated with this metal.

CWWA’s Drinking Water Quality Committee is reviewing the proposed guideline and will submit comments.

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Canadian Water and Wastewater Association