Enhancing Canada’s Drinking Water System Data: Your Participation Matters

Help shape the reporting and measurement of drinking water systems!
Statistics Canada and Infrastructure Canada would like your help to define, enhance and harmonize data on drinking water systems across Canada. Together, we can improve data quality and availability of water systems in order to better understand its state, as well as its potential risks and vulnerabilities.

What is the goal of this project?
The goal of this new project is to define the indicators for reporting and measuring the performance of drinking water systems at the most granular level as possible.

How will the data be used?
The data eventually produced from this project will be used by Infrastructure Canada to make more informed funding decisions and by Statistics Canada to present a clearer picture of water systems and the Canadian economy. The data may also be used by provincial and territorial governments.

Relevant, accessible and accurate data on drinking water system performance will also help municipalities inform decision-making, planning, monitoring and evaluation. These data will also help municipalities see how their drinking water systems compare to other municipalities across the country.

How you can help!
Your opinion matters. Let us know which data points or indicators are most important for your decision-making. If you would like to share information on your current data holdings (i.e., revenues, expenses, leakage rates, metering, usage), please reach out to us.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about this new project, please contact us.

Anik Lacroix
Assistant Director, Municipal Data Strategy
Public Sector Statistics Division 
Statistics Canada
(613) 796-4742                                                                             

Melissa Avon
Assistant Director, Modernization
Macroeconomic Accounts Branch
Statistics Canada
(343) 998-4201


Canadian Water and Wastewater Association