Canada consulting on the right to a healthy environment in federal legislation and engaging on environmental justice and racism

The Government of Canada recently began a public consultation on the development of a right to a healthy environment implementation framework under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. The Government is also engaging Canadians on environmental justice and racism to address the fact that certain communities have been disproportionately affected by environmental hazards, like pollution, toxic waste, landfills, and dumps.

These initiatives will explore various aspects of environmental equity, including:

The public is invited to visit the Advancing Environmental Equity online platform to learn more and to take part in these initiatives. Comments on the right to a healthy environment will be accepted until April 8. The input received will inform the development of a right to a healthy environment implementation framework under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act to be published by June 2025, and the development of a national strategy to assess, prevent, and address environmental racism and to advance environmental justice.

Canadian Water and Wastewater Association