Federal Government opens the door to projects that help keep Canadian fresh water clean and healthy

Canadian groups, organizations, and governments with freshwater projects can now apply for funding under five Freshwater Ecosystem Initiatives, including Lake Simcoe, the Wolastoq/Saint John River, the Great Lakes, Lake Winnipeg, and Lake of the Woods. The EcoAction Community Funding Program, which supports freshwater projects across Canada, is also now accepting applications. Led by the Canada Water Agency, these programs support partner-led projects that will have a positive and measurable impact on freshwater quality and support the priorities of Canada’s strengthened Freshwater Action Plan.

The submission deadline for applications to EcoAction and the Lake Simcoe and Wolastoq/Saint John River Freshwater Ecosystem Initiatives is March 22, 2024.

The call for applications for the Great Lakes, Lake Winnipeg, and Lake of the Woods Freshwater Ecosystem Initiatives opened in December 2023. The submission deadline for these initiatives is February 15, 2024, except for Letters of Intent related to the Lake Erie Precision Conservation.


Canadian Water and Wastewater Association