Help us find a solution to the flushable wipes challenge!

CWWA & MESUG (Municipal Enforcement Sewer Use Group) need your help to address the challenges we all face with ''so-called'' flushable wipes. So many products are being inappropriately labeled as ''flushable", but these products don't break down — they cause very expensive damage to our systems and cause dangerous clogs and overflows.

Together, CWWA and MESUG, have represented Canada in the development of a product specification and testing process and a few manufacturers are now making wipes that CAN be considered flushable. The next step is to turn this ''specification'' into a nationally recognized ''standard'' that might be adopted by the federal government...and then enforced!

But getting to a recognized standard costs money — attending meetings with ISO/CSA or others, research and testing, promotion of the new standard and recognized logo.

Think about how much bad wipes are costing your community and then think about contributing a fraction of that cost toward preventative steps.

Click here to get the official "Ask Letter" and forms you can share with your management or Council along with CWWA's Position Statement on this issue.

Canadian Water and Wastewater Association