Water and Wastewater Cybersecurity | CISA toolkit

The CANADIAN CENTRE FOR CYBER SECURITY is pleased to highlight the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)'s most recent publication, a toolkit for water and wastewater organizations that may be of interest: Water and Wastewater Cybersecurity | CISA

Although the guidance on the website mainly focuses for the water and wastewater sector in the US, the Canadian Centre for Cybersecurity offers similar services to our Canadian partners:

If you are not already onboarded to any of the above services and are interested, please contact water-par-eau@cyber.gc.ca or contact@cyber.gc.ca. The team provides guidance to help prevent, detect, respond to and recover from cyber incidents, along with their colleagues at the Cyber Incident team (cyberincident@cyber.gc.ca), who are ready to assist 24/7.

Canadian Water and Wastewater Association