Water Haller: Our Committees Rock!

I have said many, many times that the true work of the CWWA is performed by our technical committees. While I may edit the final product, or sign the letters, every project and every government submission begins in a committee meeting and is developed by that committee.  If you want to know what the federal government is planning for the coming years, you should get on a committee.  If you want to have a direct input as to the messages that CWWA makes on behalf of our industry, you should get on a committee.

We have been blessed with exceptional committee leadership for decades. I have worked with some of the most dedicated volunteers for over 10 years now that have responded to federal calls for submissions, developed position statements and created new projects for CWWA. We’ve had some big turn over lately and welcomed some new committee chairs. Then, without prompting from me, they recently organized a meeting of the chairs. This was an inspiring meeting as they all discussed the projects they are working on and shared their engagement strategies.

You will see a full breakdown of the committees and their work in the CWWA Annual Report set to go out soon. All the committees are curating the technical program for the National Water & Wastewater Conference in Winnipeg, but I’ll share some of their great project highlights here.

Utility Leadership – conducted a national survey on Natural Infrastructure and the report of the survey will be released in April. The committee is now preparing CWWA’s submissions to Infrastructure Canada regarding the next national infrastructure funding program.

Drinking Water Quality – they are regularly responding to proposed changes to the Canada Drinking Water Guidelines, most recently a submission regarding PFAS. They have developed a fact sheet on PFAS and Drinking Water. This past year, they created a PFAS Fact Sheet and Speaking Notes regarding Asbestos-Cement Pipe. 

Biosolids – the committee monitors federal work at the Council of Canadian Ministers of Environment and they are also preparing two Information Sheets – one on PFAS and one on the benefits of Biosolids.

Wastewater – the committee has bee responding to amendments to the Wastewater Systems Effluent Regulations (WSER) as well as contributing to the review of the National Plumbing Code.

Flushables – this committee has put out a call for special funding from our members to support their work – sponsoring research to support our arguments, and then developing a Canadian standard on flushability.

Energy – this committee worked with Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) on a national survey looking at that nexus between energy and water/wastewater operations in Canada. The results of that work are being shared now.

Security & Emergency Management – this committee worked with Public Safety Canada (PSC) and the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (CCCS) on national surveys to gage where our sector is at. PSC and CCCS are now rolling out best practices, checklists and training specifically for our sector.

Climate Change – this committee prepared a number of submissions to the federal government responding to the National Adaptation Strategy and the Parliamentary Committee looking at Source Water Protection. They have also played a large part in the Natural Infrastructure Survey project.

Water Efficiency – this committee continues to monitor trends and best practices in water efficiency. They have prepared a number of Information Sheets providing thoughtful advice on topics such as food grinders. They are now looking at the use of water-powered sump pumps. 

The world is coming!

Don’t forget, the World Water Congress & Exhibition is coming to Toronto this summer, August 11-15. The Program has been released and registrations are open. We have coordinated both a Canada Pavilion and a US Pavilion. There are also great technical tours and a family/spousal program. 

So check it all out at: IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition – Shaping our water future

Canadian Water and Wastewater Association