Canadian Water and Wastewater Association eBulletin

If you weren’t in Winnipeg for the National Water & Wastewater Conference, then you missed a great one. Canada’s water leaders met in the middle of Canada, November 3rd to 6th to share knowledge and be part of the best networking experience for our industry.


In accordance with our corporate by-laws, CWWA held its 36th Annual General Meeting on Monday, November 4th, 2024. The AGM was held at the RBC Convention Centre in conjunction with the National Water & Wastewater Conference.

Resilient Water Distribution Solutions
Autodesk, Inc.®
Climate change, with its droughts, storms, and rising demands, strains water distribution utilities, challenging them to maintain water quality and availability amid aging infrastructure and tighter regulations. Our software provides unparalleled transparency into your network, helping to identify efficient and resilient water delivery scenarios and monitor leaks and non-revenue water sources, ensuring safe, clean water for your customers.
Learn more

Every year we commission a new toque to hand out at the National Conference

…and then we wait to see pictures of where our members take those toques. Send us your pics wearing those toques!

Greatario Engineered Storage Systems
Avensys Inc.
Member News
Vita-D-Chlor – Leader in Vitamin C Dechlorination
Integra Clear Co. ®
For over 20 years Vita-D-Chlor has paved the way for better and safer dechlorination based on Vitamin C. Benefit the environment & be more responsible to your community by using Vita-D-Chlor for your field dechlorination projects. Our popular puck simplifies hydrant flushings. A slower dissolving puck and granular forms are also available, including a pH neutral granular for the most sensitive environmental conditions.
Request Vita-D-Chlor from your waterworks provider

The Water Environment Federation Program Community is excited to announce the Call for Content for the premier annual water event, WEFTEC.

With over 20,000 attendees, from utility leaders to manufacturers, WEFTEC is your opportunity to shape the Circular Water Economy discourse and more broadly the entire the water sector. WEF is seeking water sector leaders, disruptors, idea generators, problem solvers, and creative thinkers, like you. 

Reed Manufacturing Co.
Westpro Machinery Inc.
Snippings & Clippings

CBC News

Metro Vancouver says workers have cleared approximately 50 tonnes of hardened fat deposits, known as fatbergs, from Richmond's sewers, prompting officials to urge residents not to pour grease down the drain.

Water Online

University of Massachusetts Amherst researchers have discovered a new way to detect per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in water. This marks an important step forward in creating testing devices that are simpler, more cost-effective, faster and generally more accessible than existing methods.

ES&E Magazine

As Metro Vancouver rolls out its 2024 Wipe It, Green Bin It campaign, local officials shared that crews removed 50 tonnes of fatbergs — chunks of hardened grease — over recent months from the city’s Lulu Island Wastewater Treatment Plant. But the work required an innovative approach.

ES&E Magazine

Ongoing leaks can waste a lot of energy, resources, and money, especially on flat terrain where municipal pumping is required to keep the system pressurized and water is purchased from a local municipal purveyor at retail rates. Mueller was recently hired by an energy performance firm to survey a federal government water distribution network in Ontario to determine if leakage was contributing to unnecessary energy consumption. 

ES&E Magazine

It was a natural golden ale that started out its brewing journey just a little bit more natural than some craft beer enthusiasts had ever experienced before. The head brewer at the time called the limited-edition batch a “mental hurdle”, while others described it as getting over the “yuck factor.” Both refer to the process of giving highly-treated wastewater a second life for consumption following multi-barrier treatment. 

The Hill

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s goal of removing fluoride from the water supply faces challenges regardless of what role he plays on health care in the new Trump administration. 

Water Canada

For the first time, Dalhousie researchers and their industrial partners have proven UV LED light has the power to treat municipal wastewater. The game-changing finding established with collaborators AquiSense and Halifax Water is expected to trigger a sea of change in the way cities disinfect the water we flush down our drains, promising a safer and more sustainable future for global wastewater management.

Water Canada

Metro Vancouver is set to begin construction in mid-November on the Stanley Park Water Supply Tunnel. This major project will replace aging infrastructure to strengthen the region’s capacity for reliably delivering high-quality drinking water.


City of Calgary administration outlined a number of major water projects on Tuesday as part of its proposed budget adjustments for 2025.


The mystery of the black balls that washed up on some of Sydney’s most iconic beaches last month has now been solved – and it’s more disgusting than you could ever imagine.


A national tally of the drinking water systems that met an October deadline to count their lead service lines will not be available until spring as some small water utilities face challenges completing their inventories.

KGS Group
Hydro Component Systems, LLC